Hello! So, I found an exciting new website http://greenanswers.com/. It's a wonderful site with a question and answer format that spans environmental topics such as the subsidization of ethanol in the U.S., green meals, eco-friendly airlines and where to find the best "green" shampoo. With such a wide variety of topics it's a great place to learn. Also, it's free to join and start spreading your knowledge to other recycling maniacs. AND, the BEST part, in my humble opinion, for every five questions you answer they plant a tree!! So far the Green Answers members have planted 28,837 trees! It really is the place to learn, educate and literally make the world a better place one tree at a time.
Thanks for the recommendation, you can really do good by making conscious choices. I can't believe they've planted almost 30,000 trees! Fantastic!