Eco-Therapy: Shop consciously!
As a woman I have found that when I am having “One of those days” I find myself deep in racks of clothing. Almost as if I am unconsciously being pulled in the direction of a new pair of jeans or that camel colored brown hobo bag I know I can’t afford but absolutely MUST have. I try to tell myself I don’t need it, but I always end up leaving with one too many things. Then, it happens. The pangs of shop therapy guilt! So, the question is… How can I make the somber feelings of a bad day disappear and still have a little shop therapy without feeling guilty? The answer… Eco-fashion!!
Did you know that of all the insecticides used each year the estimated amount used on traditional cotton is 25%? And, five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton in the U.S. are KNOWN cancer-causing chemicals! Now think about your closet. How much of it is non-organic cotton?
The good news, there are plenty of great alternatives. Bamboo makes for soft and lovely clothing and it just might be the world’s most sustainable resource. You can even use bamboo as a wood-flooring alternative! Hemp is another ideal option. Hemp can be processed into useful products with little energy and without requiring toxic chemicals.
I am not saying that we should trash all of the clothes we already have. But the next time you feel the need for some shop therapy, make it Eco-Therapy. By starting today we can change the effects that fashion has on the Earth and our health. And maybe instead of guilt we can leave the store feeling good about eco-conscious choices.
Check out www.jonano.com for some cool and conscious threads!
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